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A Phoenix Chronicle
By Martin Crowe
Martin Crowe has faced it all in the trials of food addiction and the journey for freedom and health. There is no avenue that he hasnt explored. As each venture failed or his body adapted and halted progress, he picked himself up and rose like a phoenix reborn from ashes. He tried something new and moved forward. Martin discovers that leaning into his faith was the key to finding the freedom he sought. Martin will guide you through the method he used to lose 450 pounds and transform his mind about food. Martin will pour out his wisdom and encouragement over you as we face this journey together. You are not alone.

Book Reviews
I found your story inspiring, heart wrenching, funny at times and authentic. It’s an easy fast paced read. After going through years of discouragement and tribulation, it is amazing how your positivity, hope and faith burst through, not only to your own victory, but encouraging others to join in your growth and success.
The Phoenix Chronicles is certainly an appropriate title for this book, and I can attest to the many times in Martin’s story where he rose from the ashes only to face failure and disappointment later. The good news is that he has indeed finally triumphed by turning his challenges over to God. The book shares what Martin discovered in order to achieve success and provides practical guidance for anyone looking to finally conquer their personal challenges. While this book focused specifically on weight loss, the principles and process that Martin shares could easily be applied to anyone struggling with a variety of poor life choices or addictions. As Martin’s brother I can attest to the pain and frustrations that Martin describes here and am so proud of what he has accomplished by truly putting God at the center of his life. This is not a theoretical book but is instead a practical primer. It demonstrates that when we surrender our will for God’s, we can find purpose and strength to conquer our demons. I can wholeheartedly recommend this book because I have been an eyewitness of its effectiveness through watching my brother rise from the ashes once and for all.
I love the approach that this book takes. It unites the most important thing in my life, my faith, and my longest struggle, my relationship with food. I had never figured out how to bring these topics together, but A Phoenix Chronicle is teaching me how!

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